Thursday, June 19, 2008

Evolutionary Quotes

Charles Darwin said in On the Origin of Species:

competition will generally be most severe between those forms which are most nearly related to each other in habits, constitution and structure.

Richard Dawkins said in The Selfish Gene:
As far as a gene is concerned, its alleles are its deadly rivals, but other genes are just a part of its environment, comparable to temperature, food, predators, or companions.
This shows the main difference between classical Darwinism and the modern gene-centric view of evolution.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1337yp60r4phy or LEET Typography

Here's what happens when you cross some high quality fonts with LEET:

Just goes to show how important proper kerning is. You never know what letter combinations might come up! Can you identify them all?

Font Rendering by FontShop. LEET by 1337 Translator.